Casino Night
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Like everyone else, we’ve been monitoring the situation with COVID-19, as reported by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In a recent move, the city closed public venues until April 15th, with a high probability that the closures will be extended into May.
With that in mind, and after consulting with our board members, it became clear that the right decision is to observe CDC guidelines limiting gathering size and to move Casino Night to a date in the fall: Saturday, November 21st.
Our cause is great, but not great enough to risk the health of our volunteers, sponsors and guests.
If you’ve purchased tickets and/or tables for Casino Night, your tickets and tables will be valid for the November date. Our sponsors will continue to be recognized for their generous support. If you aren’t able to attend on the later date and would like a refund, please let us know at .
We are disappointed to have to postpone, but public safety is our first priority.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and continued support.

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