Thank you for your application. You are almost finished. Please read the volunteer contract below, and sign at the bottom to finalize the process.


Thank you for offering your time to volunteer with Friends of Marshall Animals (FOMA) and the Marshall Pet Adoption Center (MPAC). Our success is dependent on our volunteers.

I assume the risks and accept personal liability for any damages to me or my property that might occur as a result of my volunteer activities with FOMA and MPAC. In consideration of the opportunity to work with animals, and the personal gratification that I derive from these activities, I release FOMA, MPAC, and their officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers (Released Parties), from any and all claims I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, against Released Parties for personal injury, including death, as well as all property damage or loss, arising out of my volunteer activity with FOMA and MPAC, excepting gross negligence or intentional misconduct of the Released Parties.

For the same consideration, I hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, FOMA, MPAC, their officers, directors, employees, agents, employees and volunteers, from and against all claims and demands whatsoever that may arise out of my volunteer activities.

I acknowledge and understand that as a volunteer of MPAC, I will not receive compensation of any kind other than the opportunity to work with animals, and the personal gratification that I derive from these activities. I acknowledge that I am not covered by MPAC’s Workers’ Compensation or any other insurance policy for any damages or injuries I may sustain during my volunteer activities. (If I am an employee of MPAC, I understand that fostering is a voluntary activity and not part of my work-related duties. Therefore, I am not covered by MPAC’s Workers’ Compensation insurance policy for fostering activities.)

I hereby agree that the photographs and/or video images taken of me during my volunteer service may be used in perpetuity by the Marshall Pet Adoption Center or Friends of Marshall Animals for the purposes of publicity, education, fundraising, or otherwise promoting the mission and activities of the Society. I understand that I will receive no name recognition or monetary compensation for the use of said photograph(s) and/or video footage, to be used either in print or on the MPAC website or FOMA website and that this agreement will remain binding and have legal effect regardless of whether my association with the Marshall Pet Adoption Center continues.

 As a volunteer, I may be contributing my time and effort to various activities under the direction of FOMA. In the course of performing these activities, I agree that I will:

1)  Read the MPAC Volunteer Handbook and complete all required orientation and training pertaining to my duties.

2)  Arrive promptly for scheduled volunteer assignments (if applicable), and provide advance notice to the Volunteer Coordinator or manager when I cannot.

3)  Follow all safety rules and regulations at MPAC, seeking guidance from MPAC staff, the FOMA Volunteer Coordinator, or a senior volunteer when appropriate.

4)  Immediately report unsafe conditions to MPAC staff or the Volunteer Coordinator.

5)  Report any physical injury occurring while performing my volunteer duties to the Volunteer Coordinator or appropriate volunteer manager. In the case of MPAC

duties, I will report to MPAC staff if the Volunteer Coordinator is not available

6)  Disclose any physical or psychological limitations relevant to an assignment before engaging in the activity. I may be interacting with animals in various conditions or otherwise performing manual labor, and I will exercise good judgment regarding my own limitations.

7)  Treat all animals entrusted to my care with respect and kindness.

8)  Understand that either I or MPAC/FOMA may terminate our relationship at will.

9)  I will keep all confidential FOMA information or confidential MPAC information in strict confidence at all times and to not create a third party web site that mimics any portion of either FOMA’s or MPAC’s site.

10) During my volunteer service I will refrain from any political activity or promotion of any organization other than MPAC; and

11) I agree to refrain from representing to any party that I speak for MPAC outside my immediate volunteer capacity, and to coordinate with MPAC’s designated spokesperson(s) to handle the concerns of animal welfare issues within and outside that MPAC.

I understand that this Volunteer Agreement and Release is binding on my heirs, assigns and legal representatives. This Volunteer Agreement and Release form is executed by me voluntarily and without reliance upon any representation by any person.